Exhibition: Miền Nhớ
When: 2 -8 /3/2024
The "Miền Nhớ" exhibition brings together over 100 female artists in celebration of International Women's Day on March 8th. The artworks reflect the diversity and development of art, while also honoring the role and contributions of women in society. The exhibition aims to inspire and encourage women to explore and unleash their talents. The works are created using various materials such as lacquer, oil painting, acrylic, pastel, silk, watercolor, ceramics, and more. Each artist showcases their unique specialty, yet they all share a common message: the exploration and personal discovery of women; emphasizing growth and maturity in life; celebrating the diversity and strength of women; and highlighting the roles and contributions of women in society...
Below are the pieces I exhibited in the "Miền Nhớ" Exhibition. One of them was collected by collector:
- "Mùa Xuân bên Mẹ" piece - 80x60 (cm), was collected by Ms. Thảo Phan - collector.

Xuân và Mẹ - 80x60 (cm) - tranh lụa

Xuân Thì - 50x70 (cm) - đa chất liệu

Đào thắm Xuân nhà - 80x80 (cm) - đa chất liệu
Here are some photos in the "Miền Nhớ" Exhibition. The photos of Exhibition were taken from Văn Phòng Hội Mỹ Thuật's face book.